Includes property inspection, measurement, photos of dwelling and sales along with maps and other supporting exhibits.
Also known as a "Drive-By" appraisal. Exterior inspection from the street, exterior photos of dwelling and sales, property information obtained from owner, county and other reliable sources. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
This is a condominium appraisal. Includes proprety inspection, measurement, photos of dwelling and sales. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
This is a condominium appraisal. Also known as a "Drive-By" appraisal. Exterior inspection from the street, exterior photos of dwelling and sales, property information obtained from owner, county and other reliable sources. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
2-4 Family (Duplex, Triplex, 4-Plex). Includes property inspection, measurement, photos of dwelling, sales and rentals. Typically includes the Income Approach to value as part of the analysis as these are typically held for income generation. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
FNMA 1025 Exterior 2-4 Family Appraisal
2-4 Family (Duplex, Triplex, 4-Plex) exterior only appraisal (Drive-by). Includes exterior inspection from the street, exterior photos of dwelling, sales and rentals, property information obtained from owner, county and other reliable sources. Typically includes the Income Approach to value as part of the analysis as these are typically held for income generation. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
Limited scope appraisal. No property inspection performed. Information is obtained from property owner, county data and other reliable sources. We interview the borrower to obtain additional property data. Analysis includes at least 3 comparable sales adjusted on a sales grid on a form similar to the FNMA 1004 form. This is our lowest priced product. Analsis can only be performed on single family dwellings and condominiums. No multi-family or land analysis available.
This is a step up from the desktop appraisal product. A team of individuals are used. A photo/property inspector provides photos of the subject property interior/exterior with notes itemizing the subject attributes. A processor researches the property information such as age, size, site area, etc. and interviews the property owner for additional information about the subject. Data from these individuals are provided to the appraiser to allow analysis and completion of the appraisal product. This is provided on a form similar to the FNMA 1004 form with at least 3 comparable sales adjusted on a sales grid. All photos are included.
Land/Lot appraisals included inspection of the site and sales used with analysis summarized on the FNMA Land Appraisal form with photos of the subject and sales. Large sites or sites with development potential will be bid on a case basis. Maps and other supporting exhibits are included.
Includes field review of a 1004, 2055, 1073 or 1075 appraisal report. Exterior observance from the street. Includes exterior photos of the subject and comparables used in the original appraisal. If the reviewer disagrees with the appraised value requiring additional comparable sales, additional sales are analyzed on an attached grid to support the conclusion of the review and photos of the additional sales will be provided.
Includes desk review of a 1004, 2055, 1073 or 1075 appraisal report. The subject property nor sales are inspected. If the reviewer disagrees with the appraised value requiring additional comparable sales, additional sales are analyzed on an attached grid to support the conclusion of the review.
Includes property inspection, measurement, photos of dwelling and sales along with maps and other supporting exhibits. Due to the complexity and additional analyses that are required for complex properties, the time frame and costs must be assessed on a case by case basis.
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